Please note these are subject to change and you should refer to ATO before relying on these figures.

Tax rates 2016–17

The following rates for 2017–17 apply from 1 July 2016.
Taxable income Tax on this income
0 – $18,200 Nil
$18,201 – $37,000 19c for each $1 over $18,200
$37,001 – $80,000 $3,572 plus 32.5c for each $1 over $37,000
$80,001 – $180,000 $17,547 plus 37c for each $1 over $80,000
$180,001 and over $54,547 plus 45c for each $1 over $180,000

The above rates do not include the:

  • Medicare levy of 2%
  • Temporary Budget Repair Levy; this levy is payable at a rate of 2% for taxable incomes over $180,000.

*** In May Budget 2016 it was announced that these rates would be lowered, however as at 1-7-2016 this legislation had not passed parliament.

[/tab] [tab title="Overnight Travel"]

Overnight Travel Allowance 2016 - 2017 (Extract from ATO)

TD 2016/13 Income tax: what are the reasonable travel and overtime meal allowance expense amounts for the 2016-17 income year?

Download pdf version here - 2016-2017 Reasonable Overnight Travel Allowance

Reasonable amount for overtime meal allowance expense

For the 2016-17 income year the reasonable amount for overtime meal allowance expenses is $29.40

Reasonable amounts for domestic travel allowance expenses

Reasonable amounts for 2016-17

11. The reasonable amounts for daily travel allowance expenses, according to salary levels and destinations, for the 2016-17 income year are shown in Tables 1 to 6 as follows.

Table 1: Employee's annual salary - $117,450 and below
Place Accomm.
Food and drink
B'fast 26.45
Lunch 29.75
Dinner 50.70
Adelaide 157 106.90 19.05 282.95
Brisbane 205 106.90 19.05 330.95
Canberra 168 106.90 19.05 293.95
Darwin 216 106.90 19.05 341.95
Hobart 132 106.90 19.05 257.95
Melbourne 173 106.90 19.05 298.95
Perth 203 106.90 19.05 328.95
Sydney 185 106.90 19.05 310.95
High cost country centres See Table 4 106.90 19.05 Variable - see Table 4
Tier 2 country centres (see Table 5) 132 B'fast 23.70
Lunch 27.05
Dinner 46.65
19.05 248.45
Other country centres 110 B'fast 23.70
Lunch 27.05
Dinner 46.65
19.05 226.45
Table 2: Employee's annual salary - $117,451 to $209,000
Place Accomm.
Food and drink
B'fast 28.80
Lunch 40.75
Dinner 57.05
Adelaide 208 126.60 27.25 361.85
Brisbane 257 126.60 27.25 410.85
Canberra 223 126.60 27.25 376.85
Darwin 287 126.60 27.25 440.85
Hobart 176 126.60 27.25 329.85
Melbourne 228 126.60 27.25 381.85
Perth 245 126.60 27.25 398.85
Sydney 246 126.60 27.25 399.85
High cost country centres See Table 4 126.60 27.25 Variable - see Table 4
Tier 2 country centres (see Table 5) 152 B'fast 26.45
Lunch 27.05
Dinner 52.70
27.25 285.45
Other country centres 134 B'fast 26.45
Lunch 27.05
Dinner 52.70
27.25 267.45
Table 3: Employee's annual salary - $209,001 and above
Place Accomm.
Food and drink
B'fast 34.00
Lunch 48.00
Dinner 67.30
Adelaide 209 149.30 27.25 385.55
Brisbane 257 149.30 27.25 433.55
Canberra 246 149.30 27.25 422.55
Darwin 287 149.30 27.25 463.55
Hobart 195 149.30 27.25 371.55
Melbourne 265 149.30 27.25 441.55
Perth 265 149.30 27.25 441.55
Sydney 265 149.30 27.25 441.55
Country centres $195, or the relevant amount in Table 4 if higher 149.30 27.25 Variable - see Table 4 if applicable
Table 4: High cost country centres - accommodation expenses
Country centre $ Country centre $
Albany (WA) 179 Jabiru (NT) 200
Alice Springs (NT) 150 Kalgoorlie (WA) 159
Bordertown (SA) 135 Karratha (WA) 300
Bourke (NSW) 165 Katherine (NT) 134
Bright (VIC) 152 Kingaroy (QLD) 134
Broome (WA) 260 Kununurra (WA) 202
Bunbury (WA) 155 Mackay (QLD) 161
Burnie (TAS) 160 Maitland (NSW) 152
Cairns (QLD) 153 Mount Isa (QLD) 160
Carnarvon (WA) 151 Mudgee (NSW) 135
Castlemaine (VIC) 146 Newcastle (NSW) 165
Chinchilla (QLD) 143 Newman (WA) 195
Christmas Island (WA) 180 Norfolk Island (NSW) 329
Cocos (Keeling) Islands (WA) 285 Northam (WA) 163
Colac (VIC) 138 Orange (NSW) 155
Dalby (QLD) 150 Port Hedland (WA) 260
Dampier (WA) 175 Port Lincoln (SA) 170
Derby (WA) 190 Port Macquarie (NSW) 140
Devonport (TAS) 145 Port Pirie (SA) 150
Emerald (QLD) 156 Roma (QLD) 139
Esperance (WA) 141 Thursday Island (QLD) 200
Exmouth (WA) 255 Townsville (QLD) 143
Geraldton (WA) 175 Wagga Wagga (NSW) 144
Gladstone (QLD) 187 Weipa (QLD) 138
Gold Coast (QLD) 200 Whyalla (SA) 163
Gosford (NSW) 140 Wilpena-Pound (SA) 167
Halls Creek (WA) 199 Wollongong (NSW) 136
Hervey Bay (QLD) 157 Wonthaggi (VIC) 138
Horn Island (QLD) 200 Yulara (NT) 300
Table 5: Tier 2 country centres
Country centre Country centre
Albury (NSW) Kadina (SA)
Ararat (VIC) Launceston (TAS)
Armidale (NSW) Lismore (NSW)
Ayr (QLD) Mildura (VIC)
Bairnsdale (VIC) Mount Gambier (SA)
Ballarat (VIC) Muswellbrook (NSW)
Bathurst (NSW) Naracoorte (SA)
Bega (NSW) Nowra (NSW)
Benalla (VIC) Port Augusta (SA)
Bendigo (VIC) Portland (VIC)
Broken Hill (NSW) Queanbeyan (NSW)
Bundaberg (QLD) Queenstown (TAS)
Ceduna (SA) Renmark (SA)
Charters Towers (QLD) Rockhampton (QLD)
Coffs Harbour (NSW) Sale (VIC)
Cooma (NSW) Seymour (VIC)
Dubbo (NSW) Shepparton (VIC)
Echuca (VIC) Swan Hill (VIC)
Geelong (VIC) Tamworth (NSW)
Goulburn (NSW) Tennant Creek (NT)
Griffith (NSW) Toowoomba (QLD)
Gunnedah (NSW) Tumut (NSW)
Hamilton (VIC) Wangaratta (VIC)
Horsham (VIC) Warrnambool (VIC)
Innisfail (QLD) Wodonga (VIC)

Reasonable travel allowance expense claims for employee truck drivers

12. Amounts claimed up to the food and drink component only of the reasonable domestic daily travel allowance amounts for 'other country centres' are considered to be reasonable for meal expenses of employee truck drivers who have received a travel allowance and who are required to sleep away from home. For the 2016-17 income year, the relevant amounts are:

Table 6: Employee truck drivers
Food and drink
$97.40 per day

Office holders covered by the Remuneration Tribunal

13. Daily domestic travel allowance expense claims made by office holders covered by the Remuneration Tribunal are considered to be reasonable amounts if they do not exceed the rate of allowances set by the Remuneration Tribunal for that office holder.

Federal Members of Parliament

14. The travel allowances paid to Federal Members of Parliament and Federal Parliamentary Secretaries, under the arrangements that commenced on 14 April 1998, are considered reasonable amounts for the recipients of those allowances. This includes the Capital City and Canberra travel allowance rates for domestic travel, having regard to the circumstances under which those allowances are paid.

Reasonable amounts for overseas travel allowance expenses

15. The reasonable amounts for overseas travel expenses are shown in Schedule 1 to this Determination. Table 1 of Schedule 1 sets out the cost group to which a country has been allocated. Table 2 of Schedule 1 sets out the reasonable amount for meal expenses and incidental travel expenses for each cost group for specified employee salary ranges.

16. If the employee travels to a country that is not shown in Table 1 of Schedule 1 the employee can use the reasonable amount for Cost Group 1 in Table 2 for the relevant salary range.

17. Employees travelling to two or more countries in the same day may use the cost group of the country that is in the higher cost group in determining their reasonable allowances amount.

Example - calculation of reasonable daily overseas travel expense amounts

18. An employee travels to China on business for two weeks and is paid a travel allowance of $350 per day ($150 for meals and incidentals and $200 for accommodation). The employee's annual salary is $91,000. The reasonable daily overseas travel allowance expense claim is calculated as follows:

  Schedule 1 Table 1 lists China as Cost Group 5.
  Using Table 2, at a salary of $91,000 per year, the reasonable overseas travel allowance amount for meals and incidental expenses for Cost Group 5 (which covers China) is $240.

19. The employee claims a deduction for meals and incidental expenses actually incurred of $190 per day. As the employee is claiming a deduction that is less than the reasonable amount of $240 per day, the employee does not need to keep written evidence to substantiate expenditure on meals and incidental expenses. The employee is required, however, to maintain a travel record and to keep receipts or other documentary evidence to substantiate accommodation expenses.

Date of effect

20. This Determination applies to the 2016-17 income year only. However, the Determination will not apply to taxpayers to the extent that it conflicts with the terms of settlement of a dispute agreed to before the date of issue of the Determination (see paragraphs 75 to 76 of Taxation Ruling TR 2006/10).

Commissioner of Taxation

1 July 2016

Appendix 1


21. If a country is not listed in Table 1 use the reasonable amount in Table 2 for Cost Group 1.

For cost groups see Table 2: Reasonable amounts by cost groups.

Table 1: Table of Countries


Country Cost Group Country Cost Group
Albania 2 Czech Republic 3
Algeria 3 Denmark 6
Angola 6 Dominican Republic 4
Antigua and Barbuda 5 East Timor 3
Argentina 2 Ecuador 4
Armenia 3 Egypt 3
Austria 5 El Salvador 3
Azerbaijan 3 Eritrea 3
Bahamas 6 Estonia 3
Bahrain 5 Ethiopia 3
Bangladesh 4 Fiji 3
Barbados 5 Finland 5
Belarus 2 France 5
Belgium 5 Gabon 6
Bermuda 6 Gambia 2
Bolivia 2 Georgia 3
Bosnia 2 Germany 5
Brazil 3 Ghana 4
Brunei 2 Gibraltar 3
Bulgaria 3 Greece 4
Burkina Faso 3 Guatemala 3
Cambodia 3 Guyana 3
Cameroon 4 Hungary 3
Canada 5 Iceland 5
Chile 3 India 3
China (includes Macau & Hong Kong) 5 Indonesia 3
Colombia 3 Iran 3
Congo Democratic Republic 5 Ireland 5
Cook Islands 4 Israel 5
Costa Rica 3 Italy 5
Cote D'Ivoire 5 Jamaica 4
Croatia 3 Japan 6
Cuba 3 Jordan 5
Cyprus 4 Kazakhstan 2
Country Cost Group Country Cost Group
Kenya 4 Qatar 5
Korea Republic 5 Romania 3
Kosovo 2 Russia 5
Kuwait 5 Rwanda 3
Kyrgyzstan 2 Saint Lucia 4
Laos 2 Saint Vincent 3
Latvia 4 Samoa 5
Lebanon 5 Saudi Arabia 4
Lithuania 3 Senegal 4
Luxembourg 5 Serbia 2
Macedonia 2 Sierra Leone 3
Malawi 2 Singapore 5
Malaysia 3 Slovakia 4
Mali 4 Slovenia 3
Malta 3 Solomon Islands 4
Mauritius 3 South Africa 2
Mexico 3 Spain 5
Monaco 6 Sri Lanka 3
Morocco 3 Sudan 3
Mozambique 3 Surinam 2
Myanmar 3 Sweden 5
Namibia 2 Switzerland 6
Nepal 2 Taiwan 4
Netherlands 5 Tanzania 3
New Caledonia 5 Thailand 4
New Zealand 4 Tonga 3
Nicaragua 3 Trinidad and Tobago 5
Nigeria 6 Tunisia 3
Norway 6 Turkey 3
Oman 5 Uganda 3
Pakistan 2 Ukraine 2
Panama 3 United Arab Emirates 5
Papua New Guinea 4 United Kingdom 5
Paraguay 2 United States of America 5
Peru 4 Uruguay 3
Philippines 3 Vanuatu 5
Poland 3 Venezuela 5
Portugal 3 Vietnam 2
Puerto Rico 5 Zambia 3

Table 2: Reasonable amounts by cost groups

Cost Group Salary $117,450 and below Salary $117,451 to $209,000 Salary $209,001 and above
Meals Incidentals Total Meals Incidentals Total Meals Incidentals Total
1 $60 $25 $85 $75 $25 $100 $95 $30 $125
2 $95 $30 $125 $110 $35 $145 $140 $40 $180
3 $130 $35 $165 $150 $40 $190 $185 $45 $230
4 $150 $35 $185 $170 $45 $215 $215 $50 $265
5 $200 $40 $240 $240 $50 $290 $295 $60 $355
6 $240 $45 $285 $295 $50 $345 $340 $60 $400

Note: these amounts are determined by the Commissioner solely as the amounts that will be accepted for the exception from the requirement to obtain written evidence for substantiation purposes (refer to paragraph 33 of Taxation Ruling TR 2004/6).


You are free to copy, adapt, modify, transmit and distribute this material as you wish (but not in any way that suggests the ATO or the Commonwealth endorses you or any of your services or products).

For further information on truck drivers refer to paragraphs 72 to 75 of Taxation Ruling TR 2004/6 and to Taxation Ruling TR 95/18.

Not previously issued as a draft

[/tab] [tab title="Child Support"]

Child Support - Protect Earnings Amount 2016 Calendar  Year

The weekly PEA is equal to 75% of the maximum fortnightly basic rate of Newstart Allowance for a person who is over 21 years of age, partnered and has no dependent children.

The weekly PEA for 2016 is $354.45. This is the minimum amount that must be available for your employee or contractor after tax and child support is deducted.

Pay cycles Calculation
Daily $354.45 ÷ 7 days = $50.635714
Weekly $50.635714 x 7 days = $354.45
Fortnightly $50.635714 x 14 days = $708.90
Four weekly $50.635714 x 28 days = $1,417.80
Monthly $50.635714 x 30.4375 = $1,541.22

A year is equal to 365.25 days (allowing for the leap year), 30.4375 days in a month is equal to 365.25 divided by 12. Figures are rounded where applicable.

These amounts are effective from 1 January 2016.

[/tab] [tab title="FBT Tax Rates"]

Fringe benefits tax rates

The FBT rate changes for the year ending 31 March 2015 onwards.

FBT year FBT rate
Ending 31 March 2014 (and prior years) 46.5%
Ending 31 March 2015 47%
Ending 31 March 2016 and 31 March 2017 49%
Ending 31 March 2018 onwards 47%

Type 1: higher gross-up rate

This rate is used where the benefit provider is entitled to a goods and services tax (GST) credit in respect of the provisions of a benefit.

Because the FBT rate has changed for the year ending 31 March 2015 onwards, the Type 1 gross-up rate has also changed.

FBT year FBT rate Type 1 gross-up rate
Ending 31 March 2014 (and prior years) 46.5% 2.0647
Ending 31 March 2015 47% 2.0802
Ending 31 March 2016 and 31 March 2017 49% 2.1463
Ending 31 March 2018 onwards 47% 2.0802

Type 2: lower gross-up rate

This rate is used if the benefit provider is not entitled to claim GST credits.

Because the FBT rate has changed for the year ending 31 March 2015 onwards, the Type 2 gross-up rate has also changed.

FBT year FBT rate Type 2 gross-up rate
Ending 31 March 2014 (and prior years) 46.5% 1.8692
Ending 31 March 2015 47% 1.8868
Ending 31 March 2016 and 31 March 2017 49% 1.9608
Ending 31 March 2018 onwards 47% 1.8868

[/tab] [tab title="Cents per km"]

The government has made changes to the cents per kilometre method. From 1 July 2015, separate rates based on the size of the engine are no longer available. You use a single rate of 66 cents per kilometre for all motor vehicles for the 2015-16  income year. The Commissioner of Taxation will determine the rate for future income years.

[/tab] [tab title="Luxury Cars"]

Cars with a luxury car tax (LCT) value over the LCT threshold attract an LCT rate of 33%.

LCT thresholds
Financial year Fuel-efficient vehicles Other vehicles























Luxury car tax (LCT) is a tax on cars with a GST-inclusive value above the LCT threshold.

The threshold for 2015-16 is $63,184 (or $75,375 for fuel-efficient cars – those with a fuel consumption of 7 L / 100 km or less).

LCT is imposed at the rate of 33% on the amount above the luxury car threshold.

LCT is paid by businesses that sell or import luxury cars (dealers), and also by individuals who import luxury cars.

[/tab] [tab title="Benchmark Interest Rate 2016"]

Benchmark Interest Rate - TD2016/11

For the income year that commenced on 1 July 2016, the benchmark interest rate for the purposes of sections 109N and 109E of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 is 5.40% per annum

[/tab] [tab title="FBT exemption"]

FBT Exemption Threshold 2016-2017 for Payment Summary

The exemption threshold for the fringe benefits tax (FBT) year commencing 1 April 2016 is $8,286. This replaces the amount of $8,164 that applied in the previous year commencing 1 April 2015.

[/tab] [tab title="FBT Rates Cents Per km"]

Fringe benefits tax: what are the rates to be applied on a cents per kilometre basis for calculating the taxable value of a fringe benefit arising from the private use of a motor vehicle other than a car for the fringe benefits tax year commencing on 1 April 2016?

The rates to be applied where the cents per kilometre basis is used for the fringe benefits tax (FBT) year commencing on 1 April 2016 are:


Engine capacity Rate per kilometre
0 - 2500cc 52 cents
Over 2500cc 63 cents
Motorcycles 16 cents




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