4 Steps for BAS Agent Registration


Published: Jan 2023

Becoming a BAS Agent (Business Activity Statement) is a great way to start a career in accounting and bookkeeping. These professionals are responsible for preparing and lodging Business Activity Statements (BAS) on behalf of their clients, which are used to report and pay GST, PAYG withholding and other taxes. Here are four steps you can take to become a BAS agent:


Step 1: Gain the Required Qualifications

The first step to becoming a BAS agent is to gain the necessary qualifications. The Tax Practitioner Board (TPB) requires that all BAS agents hold a relevant qualification in accounting or bookkeeping, such as a diploma or degree. The Applied Education Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping course is a great option for those looking to gain the required qualifications. This course provides comprehensive training in accounting and bookkeeping, as well as the specific knowledge and skills needed to become a BAS agent.

Step 2: Complete the TPB Licensing Units

Once you have completed your qualifications, you will need to complete the TPB licensing units. These units are specifically designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills required to work as a BAS agent. They cover a range of topics, including GST, PAYG withholding, and other taxes. The Applied Education BAS Agent course includes the TPB licensing units as part of the curriculum, making it easy for you to complete them and move on to the next step.

Step 3: Register with the TPB

Once you have completed your qualifications and the TPB licensing units, you will need to register with the TPB. This involves filling out an application form and paying the relevant fees. You will also need to provide evidence of your qualifications and completion of the TPB licensing units. Once your application has been approved, you will be issued with a registration number and can start working as a BAS agent.

Step 4: Maintain Your Registration

The final step to becoming a BAS agent is to maintain your registration. This involves completing continuing professional education (CPE) requirements and renewing your registration every three years. The Applied Education BAS Agent course provides ongoing support and resources to help you meet these requirements and maintain your registration.

4 Steps for BAS Agent Registration

In conclusion, becoming a BAS agent is a great way to start a career in accounting and bookkeeping. By gaining the required qualifications, completing the TPB licensing units, registering with the TPB, and maintaining your registration, you can become a professional and respected BAS agent. The Applied Education BAS Agent course provides comprehensive training and support to help you achieve your goal of becoming a BAS agent.

If you are looking to re-skill or up-skill but unsure of which course best suits you, get in touch with one of our consultants today and we will endeavor to help you.

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