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Changes to Superannuation Guarantee and instant asset write off for small business

03 Sep 2014

The Palmer United Party senators have agreed to pass the Mining Tax Repeal Bill (now called Minerals Resource Rent Tax […]

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Director Penalty Notices

28 Mar 2014

Company directors have a legal responsibility to ensure that their company meets its pay as you go (PAYG) withholding and superannuation […]

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Employees take the ‘sickie’ to a new level

27 Feb 2014

According to a recent study by CareerBuilder, in 2013 alone, a whopping 32 per cent of workers called in sick when they […]

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MySuper replaces your default superannuation fund

23 Jan 2014

From 1 January 2014, employers need to make super contributions to a fund that offers a MySuper product for employees who […]

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Christmas shutdowns and Christmas parties

11 Dec 2013

Shutting down your business over Christmas Before you decide to shut down your business, you need to check that there […]

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Changes to car fringe benefits July 2013 1

Changes to car fringe benefits July 2013

02 Aug 2013

Car fringe benefit contracts entered into after 16 July 2013 can no longer use the Statutory Formula method, and must […]

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Superannuation Contributions Cap 2013 – 2014

25 Jun 2013

Superannuation Contribution Cap for 2013 – 2014 has been released by the ATO. We recommend that if you are offering […]

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Car Allowances – Changes to Withholding Rates

07 May 2013

From 22 March 2013, the withholding rules for car allowance payments for reasonable per kilometre rates have changed. From this […]

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Child Support – Protected Earnings Amount

30 Apr 2013

A separated parent can opt to have their child support payments deducted automatically from their regular pay. Employers are legally […]

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Tax-free threshold with more than one payer

02 Apr 2013

If you have more than one payer at the same time, the ATO generally require that you only claim the […]

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Payslip reporting of superannuation contributions

27 Mar 2013

As of 22 February, 2013, the ATO is waiting on a further announcement by the Government to confirm requirements of […]

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Tasmanian bush fires – automatic BAS deferrals

05 Feb 2013

In January 2013, bush fires caused significant damage to some areas of Tasmania. If your business or residential address is […]

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